January 11, 2022
Parents, A printable graphic of the updated COVID -19 Protocols (January 2022) is available for your reference. Download/ Read: COVID-19 PROTOCOLS #wcsmission #togetherwearew...

January 11, 2022
Tiger Tuesday Tribute Video: Washington STEM Academy
David Burden, Washington STEM Academy Principal, shares his heartfelt appreciation for the Washington community of fam...

January 10, 2022
Hello, 2022! Here's a link to the Reopen Plan with updates made on January 10, 2022: https://www.warsawschools.org/... Here's the S chool Calendar page: https://www.warsa...

January 1, 2022
Hello, 2022! We'll return to a scheduled eLearning on Monday on January 10th, 2022. Calendars: 2021-2022 #wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw

December 22, 2021
Video Link : See you in 2022 Dr. Hoffert, WCS Superintendent, offers a reflection on the past semester and warm holiday wishes to our fantastic students and their fami...

December 17, 2021
Warsaw Community Schools would like to thank the Warsaw Police department and other local authorities for their assistance throughout the day to ensure school safety. Due to the ...

December 16, 2021
It has come to the attention of Warsaw Community Schools that a nationwide threat was posted to multiple social media outlets. The Warsaw Police Department has worked with surroun...

December 16, 2021
We are happy to be back for 2022. Last year we faced a lot of challenges with scheduling, but we are feeling confident that we will be able to put together a successful 2022 sea...

December 14, 2021
Video Tribute: Tiger Tuesday : Lakeview Middle School In his thirteenth year at Lakeview, Principal Todd Braddock offers words of appreciation today for students, staff, ...

December 13, 2021
HOLIDAY HOOPLA Camp Saturday, January 1st, 2022 4:00 - 8:00 pm $45 Grades 2-8
This camp has traditionally been for boys but is now open to girls in grades 2-8....

December 10, 2021
WCS recently transitioned to T I P L I N E.
Educators, students, parents, and community members all share the responsibility to keep our school district safe.
We value ever...
November 30, 2021
Warsaw, IN - Warsaw Community Schools congratulates Dr. David Robertson, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education, on receiving the prestigious Indiana Association of Scho...

November 30, 2021
Tiger Tuesday: November, 30 - Video Tribute: https://bit.ly/TigerTuesdaySubsVolunteersPTOsSROs
Dr. David Robertson, Assistant Superintendent, offers words of appreciation to...

November 29, 2021
With the initiation of our 2021-2025 strategic plan, WCS is excited to be launching this newsletter to share updates and celebrations. This is a great place to find out what is go...

November 29, 2021
Warsaw Community Schools (WCS) recently received a $50,800 grant award from the K21 Health Foundation. This grant will support year two of the fitness program that began during th...

November 22, 2021
Sophomores Dallas Lancaster and Evan Owens are leading the way with Trinkets for Teens! This is an FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leadership of America) created project that ...

November 18, 2021
JoElla Hauselman, WCS Summer Program Coordinator, would like to let parents know for planning purposes that Warsaw Community Schools will modify summer school offerings beginning ...
November 16, 2021
Please join us as we celebrate Jefferson Elementary School. Jefferson is one of eight elementary schools in the WCS district and is under the leadership of Principal Josh Wall...

November 15, 2021
This past weekend, the WCHS Drama Department presented its Annual Disney Character Day from 12:00 to 3:00 PM at the Warsaw High School Performing Arts Center. Children marveled at...
November 11, 2021
The Veteran's Day Program was held today at 1 pm on the Lakeview campus. Dr. Hoffert, Superintendent for Warsaw Community Schools greeted local veterans.
JROTC cadets performed...