Athletic Director, Lakeview: Michele White
574.269.7211 x 3402
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Cross Country 2022-2023 Schedule
Boys Basketball Schedule 2022-2023
Principal: Todd Braddock
Email: tbraddock@warsawschools.org
Athletic Director: Michele White
Email: mwhite@warsawschools.org
Athletic Coordinator: Bryon Weinstein
Email: bweinstein@warsawschools.org
Coaching Staff: (Fall Sports)
7th Grade Volleyball: Kaylie Prater
8th Grade Volleyball: Gracie Blank
Cross Country: Roy Navarro
Email: rnavarro@warsawschools.org
7th Grade Football: Brandon Murphy
Email: bmurphy@warsawschools.org
8th Grade Football: Terry Leek
Email: tleek@warsawschools.org
Cheerleading: Olivia Alderfer
Email: oalderfer@warsawschools.org
Coaching Staff: (Winter Sports)
7th Grade Basketball (Boys): TBD
8th Grade Basketball (Boys): Griffyn Carpenter
Email: gcarpenter@warsawschools.org
Wrestling: Luis Munoz
Email: lmunoz@warsawschools.org
7th Grade Basketball (Girls): Alyssa Lowe
Email: alyssalowe@warsawschools.org
8th Grade Basketball (Girls): TBD
Cheerleading: Olivia Alderfer
Email: oalderfer@warsawschools.org
Coaching Staff: (Spring Sports)
Track Coaches: Amy Rice , Dominick Moseley, and Hunter Rice
Email: milesearice@hotmail.com
Email: dmoseley@warsawschools.org
Email: hrice@warsawschools.org
: Hunter Reed and Brandon Murphy
Email: hreed@warsawschools.org
Email: bmurphy@warsawschools.org
7th/8th Grade Girls Soccer: James Davis
Email: jdavis@warsawschools.org
7th/8th Grade Boys Soccer: Terry Leek
Email: terryleek@warsawschools.org