Dear Lakeview Families and Students,
I would like to personally welcome all students and their families to Lakeview Middle School. Our team here at LMS is excited to begin this school year with each and every one of you. As we look to begin this exciting journey together, my hope is that your student will have a positive experience while at our school. We strive do great things for our students on a daily basis here at Lakeview. This starts with a collective team centered approach focused on doing whatever it takes for our students to learn at high levels.
Lakeview has three essential expectations —Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe. The following four items fall under one or more of these expectations: attendance, cell phone, dress policy, and ID badges. Attached are the procedures for each of these items. Please review these with your students so all are aware of the expectations before the school year begins. We also have new school-wide procedures on homework, late work, missing work, and a new grading percentage configuration. We hope that these new school-wide procedures will help create consistency and continuity amongst our staff which in turn will help our students be more successful.
We look forward to building and strengthening relationships with both students and parents. We invite students and parents to contact us if you have a question or concern. Open communication is crucial to the success of our students and school. We are TEAM LAKEVIEW!
Todd Braddock, Principal
Michele White, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director