(574) 371-5097 ext. 2604
If unavailable, please call the office and leave a message. Students must not bring medications from home. Parents must deliver medications to the school.
Medical Notes can be faxed to: (574) 371-5009
Link to District Health Services & Medical Forms: Click Here
Health Services staff work with students and parents to improve student wellness in order to support learning. Healthy students are most successful and able to learn when their physical and health-related needs are met. We also believe in the mission statement and core values of WCS and play a role in inspiring and equipping students and enriching the lives of others. Each building has a registered nurse and some have health room assistants as well. The Health Services staff attend to students who become ill or injured at school, administer prescribed medications, provide first aid in emergencies, perform necessary health screenings, assist with accessing community resources, perform health care procedures, prepare individual health care plans, monitor immunization requirements as well as communicable diseases, assess for physical signs of abuse or neglect and assist with health prevention and promotion activities.
Students who are ill or injured are to secure a pass from their teacher (unless an emergency) and report directly to the Nurse’s office to be evaluated. Health Services staff will contact a parent/guardian if the student is too ill to remain at school. Please make sure ALL parent contact numbers as well as the emergency contact is up to date. Please communicate any acute or chronic medical condition your student may have to the school nurse to help assist with your student’s needs while at school. Illnesses can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites and can be spread from one individual to another. Please encourage good hygiene and regular hand washing at home.
Parents may be asked to pick up their student from school under the following circumstances:
1) The student has a fever of 100.4 degrees F or above;
2) The student is vomiting and/or has diarrhea;
3) The student has a rash that may be disease related;
4) The student does not feel well enough to return to the classroom.
Parents should not send their student to school if he or she:
1) Has a fever of 100 .4 degrees or more. They should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever-reducing medication.
2) Has vomited or had diarrhea. The student should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
3) Has a rash that may be disease-related or from an unknown cause. Management of head lice is ultimately the responsibility of the parents. The WCS policy and procedure for head lice follows the guidelines recommended by the Harvard School of Public Health, CDC, American Academy of Pediatrics and the Indiana State Department of Health.
Emergency Contact Information
Parent/guardian and emergency contact information is very important and needs to be updated every year and/or when changes occur. It is important that we have your correct home, cell and work numbers as well as at least 2 emergency contact numbers who can be contacted in case your student needs emergency medical help and we are unable to reach a parent. Please be sure the emergency contacts you list are willing to pick your child up from school if you are unavailable. You can do this when you register your student online and/ or by calling the school office and reporting changes.
Medication Guidelines
f your student requires a prescription medication, it is best to ask the doctor to schedule the administration times outside of school hours so it can be taken at home. If your student must take medication at school, it must be kept in the nurse’s office and must be given by the nurse or a trained UAP (Unlicensed Assistive Personnel).
Medication permission forms are available at each school and the WCS website. No prescription medication will be given unless the school has a signed medication permit on file from the physician OR the medication is in the original container with the original pharmacy label and the student’s name. Written permission must also be on file from the student’s parent/guardian. Over-the-counter medications require the same parental authorization and original, labeled bottle as prescriptive medication. They must be administered in a manner consistent with the instructions on the label. No herbal or vitamin supplement will be given unless the nurse has a medication permission form completed and signed by the physician and parent/guardian. They also must be in their original container labeled with the student’s name. ALL medication should be discussed with the school nurse and kept in the nurse’s office. Exceptions to this requirement are self-administered rescue inhalers for asthma, self-administered EPI PEN for severe allergic reactions, and medication specified in an IEP, Section 504 or individual health plan.
Indiana law allows students to carry and use their inhalers/ EPI PENS IF the physician, parent, and school nurse agree the student has demonstrated appropriate knowledge and administration of the medication. Students carrying these medications have the responsibility to use them correctly and ONLY for themselves. We ask that students report to the nurse’s office if they use their inhaler more than once during the school day. Students MUST report to the nurse’s office immediately if they use an EPI PEN. See School Board Policy #5330 “Use of Medications” for further reference.
Health Screenings
Vision acuity screening is required by Indiana Law on all students in 1, 3, 5 and 8 grades. MCT (modified clinical technique) vision testing is required on all 1st grade students and will be completed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist in the fall of each school year. Students may be transported by bus to a central location for the MCT exam.
Vision screening may be completed on any other student by referral. Hearing screening is required by Indiana Law on all students in 1, 4, 7 and 10 grades and conducted by the Speech and Language Pathologists in the corporation. Hearing screening on any other student may be completed by referral. Dental screening will be completed on all K-3 grade students by local dentists. Any parent who does not want his/ her student tested for any of the above screenings must send in a signed written statement to the school nurse at the beginning of each school year stating refusal of the tests.
Immunization Requirements for 2020-2021
Source: Indiana State Department of Health, Immunization Division (800) 701-0704