Warsaw Community Schools E-Learning
Warsaw Community Schools has the option to implement eLearning Days in situations where traditional in-person learning cannot take place within the school buildings. This may be due to inclement weather situations, precautionary measure to prevent the spread of widespread illness, or to provide professional learning opportunities to school staff.
School Sites
E-Learning assignments can be accessed from each school website. For your convenience, you can access each school's E-Learning web page below.

How Does Traditional E-Learning Work?
Traditional E-Learning as been utilized by Warsaw Community Schools for years. On a traditional E-Learning Day, teachers will post activities for students that can be completed throughout the day and at the student's individual pace.
How do I Access Traditional E-Learning Content?
E-Learning lesson plans can be accessed by clicking on the student' school logo to the left. On the school screen, select the student's teacher to access E-Learning Lesson.
When is Traditional E-Learning Due?
All work from a traditional E-Learning Day on the third day after the E-Learning Day as the elementary level and the second day after the E-Learning Day at the secondary level. This is to ensure student have ample opportunity to ask questions and access the content.
What Does Traditional E-Learning Look Like?
Traditional E-Learning might include:
Discussion board, quizzes, polls, email, digital documents, recorded audio or video, recorded slides with narration, self-paced learning.

How Does Live E-Learning Work?
Live E-Learning takes place throughout the school day and requires students to join pre-scheduled GoogleMeets with their teacher(s).
How Do I Access Live E-Learning Content?
Live E-Learning takes place via GoogleMeet. These links will be emailed out via your child's teacher, present in Canvas, Google Classroom, or SeeSaw, or can be access by clicking on the School Logo to the left and the student's teacher.
When is Live E-Learning Work Due?
All work from a Live E-Learning Day is treated like that of an actual school day. If a student is not present, they will be marked absent. Students have the number of days they were absent to complete any missing or outstanding work.
What Does Live E-Learning Look Like?
Live E-Learning might include:
Virtual classrooms, live presentations, live text chat, instant messaging, live audio or video, live quizzes, and live polling.
Additional E-Learning Questions
If school is canceled, eLearning assignments will be posted on the day of the cancellation. Please refer to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) below for more details about eLearning Days.
Q - Is my child required to participate in E-Learning?
A - An E-Learning Day represents one of the 180 required days of school for students. Schools will follow the same attendance policies as they would for in-person learning. Students that do not participate for the day will receive an unexcused absence.
Q - When will lessons be posted on an E-Learning Day?
A - If the E-Learning takes place the prior evening or before 6am, E-Learning lessons will be posted by 9am. If the E-Learning Day is called after 6am, E-Learning lessons will be posted after 11am.
Q - Can iPads go home in grades K-4? How will teachers know to send them home?
A - iPads will come home all year on the day before planned E-Learning Days. If weather reports indicate that approaching weather creates a possibility for a cancellation the following day, WCS will send out an email to all staff alerting them of the possibility of an E-Learning Day so that they can send devices home with students.
Q - My Child's iPad is broken. Can they bring home their loaner device?
A - Yes. Loaner iPads are due back immediately following an eLearning day. They are considered textbooks on loan for the E-Learning day only.
Q - How many eLearning Days can we have in a row?
A - Warsaw Community School will only call two consecutive E-Learning Days. If a significant weather event requires more than two consecutive E-Learning Days, school will be cancelled in favor of a traditional snow day. Traditional snow days can have an impact on the last day of school. If the weather prevents school from being in session on a fourth day, WCS will again utilize E-Learning.
Q - What subjects are taught at the Elementary Level? Does this include my child's Specials Class?
At the elementary level, students will participate in the subjects of reading, writing, math, and Science or Social Studies. Lessons should target about 20 minutes in length. Elementary students will also have their regularly scheduled specials class.
Q - E-Learning is just review right?
A - E-Learning is replacing in-person learning for the day. It is not dedicated to review learning unless that is what was originally planned for the instructional day.
Q - My child needs help with their work. Who can assist?
A - Your student's teacher is only an email away. If you have a question, please email throughout the day. If there is not a planned GoogleMeet in the day, your teacher can also arrange one to assist with work. In addition, E-Learning is a great opportunity for mom and dad to play a part in their child's day to day learning.
Q - We do not have reliable access to the internet. How do we participate in E-Learning.
A - Each school has up to 20 mobile hotspots that can be checked out from the media center. These devices can provide high speed internet access for students to complete E-Learning work at home.
Q - Will schools be open before and after school to help those students without Internet access?
A - Yes. Weather permitting, one computer lab or the media center should be staffed and open in each school before/after school for one hour on each of the three school days following an eLearning Day. Students can also visit businesses with free Internet access, the public library, and our wireless bubble extends outside all of our school buildings. Finally, WCS has some mobile Internet hotspots that can be checked out from the school media center.