Parachute Week at Madison in Mr. Crone's P.E. class!! Students used upper body exercises to raise and lower the parachute as well as launching balls as high as possible. Then they made a Parachute Cave and switched places underneath. Students used teamwork to try to bounce dodgeballs into the basket. 5th grade actually hit the rim and blasted the ceiling! So much one wanted to leave. #WarsawInspires
11 days ago, Derek Pike
Leslie Williams, Educational Outreach & Marketing Coordinator from KC Recycling Depot came to Madison to check out the 5th grader's vermicomposting projects. She tested nitrogen levels in each groups bins for students to record. She also discussed careers in the recycling industry. Leslie states, "I'm impressed at the passion these students are committing to composting and a greener future!" #WarsawInspires
12 days ago, Derek Pike
Madison 4th graders learned about different kinds of rocks and fossils. This program was led by imi Construction through a Zoom Meeting. They taught the students about sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. This was a hands-on activity as students had their own rock collection that they could take home! #WarsawInspires
19 days ago, Derek Pike
Mrs. Kelly's Kindergarteners were 3 Little Pig Architects. They learned about what an architect does, and then they planned, built, and tested their homes. Students used toothpicks, popsicle sticks, or small sponges to resemble straw, sticks, and bricks. Then the Big Bad Leaf Blower tried to Huff and Puff them down! #WarsawInspires
about 1 month ago, Derek Pike
Madison 6th graders learned about 3D printing and the differences between 2 and 3 dimensional objects in the STEM Lab. They used Tinkercad software to design a nametag using text, holes, and geometric shapes as well as converting millimeters to centimeters to predict the size of their project. #WarsawInspires
about 1 month ago, Derek Pike
Beginning this week, Madison students will be learning different Computer Science standards in Innovation Lab(Library). K-2nd grade students will be doing some intro to computer science lessons, and 3rd - 6th graders will be taking a coding course through to learn about different code blocks through problem solving. #WarsawInspires
about 1 month ago, Derek Pike
Our September Cardinals of the Month! #WarsawInspires
about 2 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
Madison 4th graders participated in Lake Adventure Day at Winona Lake. Stations were put on by Grace Education students. 4th graders learned about erosion, pollution, and they also got to go fishing! #WarsawInspires
3 months ago, Derek Pike
Kindergarten at Madison kicked off their Kinder Cruise-In with a cool John Deere tractor. Steven Hall from Bishop Farms in Leesburg explained how the tractor works and what a career as a farmer looks like. Students were particularly excited about the refrigerator in the cab!! #ExperienceWCS
3 months ago, Derek Pike
It was balloon cars in Mrs Reneker's class today. #WarsawInspires
3 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
Kindergarten completed their Earth Day Unit where they answered the essential question: How can we help the Earth? Students learned about natural resources, started growing their own tomatoes and other plants, and even faced the task of trying to clean up an oil spill. They learned that cleaning up pollution is a BIG job and we all must do our part to take care of the Earth. #ExperienceWCS
7 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
Huge congratulations to our March Cardinals of the Month! We are proud of you. #ExperienceWCS
8 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
Lots of great art from Madison at the Tri Kappa art show today #ExperienceWCS
8 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
Last week we had a visit from the Lilly Center for Lakes in the Library week. Students got to learn about fish and healthy lakes. #experienceWCS
9 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
Congratulations to our February Cardinals of the Month! #experienceWCS
9 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
We had a visit from some pajama wearing Abraham Lincolns in the office today. They were impressing us with all the facts they knew about presidents. #expienceWCS
10 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
2nd grade students got a visit from the 4H extension educator for Kosciusko County, WCHS and TVHS students. They got to do hands on STEM stations featuring slime and elephant toothpaste. Special Thank you to The Society of Women Engineers for graciously providing funding. #expierenceWCS
10 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
Huge congratulations to our January Cardinals of the month. We are proud of you. #experienceWCS
10 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
Mrs. Lursen's class read “Balancing Act” by Ellen Stoll Walsh, built their own LEGO seesaws and talked about what makes it balanced versus unbalanced. #experienceWCS
10 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
This week's Kindness and Work Hard coupon winners got to create Bean Art for Hacienda's Bean Week. Come see your students art hung up at Hacienda March 6th for our give back night. #experienceWCS
10 months ago, Tara Reichenbach