For Tech Support at Eisenhower, please contact Kerry Stogsdill
All Warsaw Community Schools have a strong educational technology infrastructure that supports student learning and creativity and increases employee productivity.
Interactive Classrooms
All classrooms are equipped with interactive technologies including:
-LCD Projectors
-Document Cameras
-Wireless Network
-Mimio Software Suite
-Teacher Workstation and iPad
Passwords and Log-ins
All students and staff are assigned login IDs and passwords that provide access to the district network and resources. Passwords are distributed to students at school. Students
are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their login and password credentials and should not share them with anyone other than parents and teachers. Any inappropriate use of network or Internet-based resources are the responsibility of the student assigned those login credentials.
I:I Program
Students in grades 5-12 participate in our take-home I:I
program, e3 Tiger Tech. Currently, students in grades K-12 are provided with a full-sized iPad. Parents are charged a fee in Textbook Rental to cover some of the cost of the device. For parents concerned with repair costs for accidental damages, an optional insurance program through The Worth Ave. Group is offered.
Students remaining in our I:I program through their 8th and 12th grade years will have the opportunity to purchase their iPad for a very low cost. Student devices are filtered when using the Internet at home, businesses, and at school via our global Internet filter. PowerSchool PowerSchool is our student information system. It may be accessed by parents by going to https://warsawschools.powerschool.com/public/ Parents and guardians may request a login by contacting the office of the school that their children attend.
Acceptable Use
Warsaw Community Schools provides appropriate technology-based resources to accelerate learning while maintaining appropriate filtering and security protocols in compliance with state and federal laws. Students who intentionally misuse or pursue inappropriate content will be subject to disciplinary measures. Our acceptable use policy may be found here and guidelines for personal communication device use may be found here.
Warsaw Community Schools believes it is extremely important for students to receive instruction in Internet safety, cyber bullying, digital privacy, and digital citizenship. Every K-6 student attends a weekly class where they review curriculum aligned with our technology standards in each of these areas. This instruction is further optimized when it is supplemented by appropriate discussions and safety measures instituted at home. Warsaw Community Schools are required to use filters to block many potential Internet dangers so students can’t access them. Experts strongly suggest installing software to filter and block inappropriate content on your home computers or wireless network (OpenDNS, SafeEyes, and NetNanny.) However, direct supervision by an adult is the best safety measure.